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Exchange rates for the US dollar in the Ukraine / USD 1 = UAH ... (middle)

Path :
Time series key BBEX3.D.UAH.USD.CA.AC.000
Unit UAH
Dimension one
Timespan from 1996-09-02 to 2024-06-14
Last update 14.06.2024 01:34:04 PM
General With effect from 2 September 1996, a currency conversion took place at the rate of 100,000 karbovanets (UAK) = 1 hryvnia (UAH). The currency conversion did not entail any appreciation or depreciation against other currencies.
Source National Bank of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Comment on 2022-07-21 With effect from 21 July 2022, the exchange rate for the US dollar was changed from USD 1 = UAH 29.2549 to USD 1 = UAH 36.5686, this corresponds to a depreciation of the hryvnia against the US dollar of 20.0%.
Comment on 2022-02-24 With effect from 24 February 2022, the exchange rate for the US dollar was fixed at USD 1 = UAH 29.2549 (Resolution No 18 On the Operation of the Banking System Under Martial Law).
Comment on 2014-02-07 In February 2014, the hryvnia ceased to be pegged to the US dollar and the value of the hryvnia consequently fell significantly. In light of the high capital outflows, initial capital controls were introduced on 7 February 2014.