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External position of the Bundesbank - Assets - Other Investment - Currency and deposits - TARGET plus other balances vis-a-vis the ESCB

Time series key BBFI1.M.N.DE.4F.S121.S1.LE.A.FA.O.F2___T1.S._T.N.N
Dimension million
Timespan from 1999-01 to 2024-03
Last update 11.04.2024 09:14:55 AM
General Time series for information purposes only to compensate for the break in the time series BBFI1:M:N:DE:4F:S121:S1:LE:A:FA:O:F2:S:_T:N:N. The time series BBFI1:M:N:DE:4F:S121:S1:LE:A:FA:O:F2___T1:S:_T:N:N is for information purposes only and cannot be used to calculate balances. In the period from January 1999 to October 2000, this time series includes the Bundesbank´s balances in cross-border payment transactions within the Eurosystem and the TARGET positions which are calculated as bilateral assets and liabilities vis-à-vis national central banks outside the Eurosystem. It is identical to the time series BBFI1:M:N:DE:4F:S121:S1:LE:A:FA:O:F2:S:_T:N:N from November 2000 onwards.