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Exchange rates (transfer rates) for the euro in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea / EUR 1 = KPW * ... (middle)

Path :
Time series key BBEX3.A.KPW.EUR.CA.AC.A04
Unit KPW
Dimension one
Timespan from 1999 to 2020
Last update 12.01.2024 02:13:25 PM
General * According to unconfirmed press reports, a currency conversion took place at the end of November / beginning of December 2009 at a rate of 100 won (old) = 1 won (new); until the end of December 2009, the exchange rates were communicated to us in (old) won. Until the end of July 2002, multiple exchange rate system; for official exchange rates see BBEX3:A:KPW:EUR:CA:AC:B04. Exchange rate application: Official rate: only for transactions by general government with other countries. Transfer rate: for transactions with foreign representative offices, organisations and individuals visiting the country; eg for travel or tourism. On 1 August 2002, the multiple exchange rate system was abolished and the exchange rates have undergone major change.
Methodology Calculated on the basis of month-end buying and selling rates (April - July 2013 middle rates; since October 2013, month-end data represent rates as at the first business day of the following month, as a rule). The exchange rates applying to the old won until December 2009 have been recalculated at a ratio of 100:1 so as to accommodate the new won.
Source Until March 2013 and from August 2013 Foreign Trade Bank of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. April - July 2013 German Embassy Pyongyang.
Comment on 2020 No exchange rate data are available for end-March and since July 2020.
Comment on 2010 According to information provided by the Foreign Trade Bank of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the exchange rates for the new won which were communicated at the end of January 2010 have applied as from 1 January 2010. Taking the exchange rates applying at the end of December / beginning of January as a basis, and taking into account the reform of the national currency (100:1), the new won represents a devaluation of 98.7%.
Comment on 2009 A currency conversion took place at the end of November / beginning of December 2009 at a rate of 100 won (old) = 1 won (new); until the end of December 2009, the exchange rates were communicated to us in (old) won.
Comment on 2002 On 1 August 2002, the multiple exchange rate system was abolished and the exchange rates have undergone major change.