Green Finance

Bundesbank publishes public tender for climate-related SRI data on behalf of all ESCB central banks

Deutsche Bundesbank has published a public tender for climate-related data on behalf of all ESCB central banks. In this public tender the Eurosystem is looking for up to two climate-related Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) data providers to enter into framework agreements. The public tender will be carried out as competitive procedure with negotiation and is comprised of the request for participation phase (1st phase) and the bidding phase (2nd phase).

The current procurement procedure follows the definition of a common stance for applying SRI principles in the euro-denominated non-monetary policy portfolios (NMPPs), which each central bank manage under their own responsibility. The Eurosystem agreed on this common stance in February 2021 and will continue to work jointly on it and its implementation to harmonise approaches (cp. ECB press release of 4 February 2021, see link below).

In particular, all Eurosystem central banks aim to start climate-related disclosures for their euro-denominated NMPPs in Q1/2023 using the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The climate-related SRI data to be procured will promote such disclosures. It prepares the ground for the measurement of greenhouse gas emissions and other climate-related metrics of these NMPPs in order to enlarge the awareness and understanding of climate-related risks.