2009 - Saarland

German 2 Euro commemorative coin "Saarland"

The national side of the commemorative church shows the Ludwigskirche. The design shows the familiar and striking east facade of the church with the top of the bell tower. The perspective and form chosen by the artist vividly highlight the church's wide-bodied baroque ground plan and the offset transept. The baroque filigree work with the balustrade, the clock on the bell tower and flying angels is depicted, while decorative details have been sacrificed in favour of the overall impression. The new national side has been designed by Friedrich Brenner of Diedorf.

The €2 commemorative coin has the same technical parameters as the regular issue €2 coin. It was minted in equal quantities in both mint condition and proof-like finish by all five German mints.

Issue volume: 30 million

Issue date: 2009-02-06