If you have any further questions regarding monetary policy instruments, please do not hesitate to contact us!
+49 69 9566-0
Further information
For questions regarding your collateral account or submission of marketable assets
+49 69 2388-2477
Further information
For questions regarding applications for counterparty status (required for the use of: standing facilities and tender operations) or TLTRO groups
069 9566-34477
For questions regarding the Bundesbank’s credit assessment system for non-financial corporations
+49 69 9566-32600
Further information
For questions regarding non-marketable assets or submission of credit claims via MACCs
+49 69 2388-1470
Further information
For questions regarding the eligibility criteria for marketable and non-marketable assets or the limit on unsecured bank bonds
+49 69 9566-32599
Further information
For questions regarding the topic of minimum reserves or the two-tier system for excess reserve remuneration
+49 69 9566-38391
Further information
+49 69 9566-0
For questions regarding the Bundesbank’s tender operations, the OpenMarket Tender Operations System (OMTOS) or registration for OMTOS via the ExtraNet
069 2388-1480
Further information