Your databasket contains: 0 Items

of this 0 Macroeconomic time series, 0 Real-time data,

Code list

Key component RealtimeData, Indicator category (57 codes available)

Code Desription
Gross domestic product
Gross value added adjusted
Hours worked per employed person
Employed persons
Hours worked by employed persons
Hours worked per employee
Hours worked by employees
Employees subject to social security contributions
Consumption (domestic market)
Gross capital formation
Non-residential investment
Gross fixed capital formation
Investment in machinery and equipment
Investment in machinery and equipment excluding vehicles
Investment in vehicles
Construction investments
Residential building investments
Construction investments excluding residential buildings
Other investment
Changes in inventories (including acquisitions less disposals of valuables)
Imports of Goods and Services
Imports of Goods
Exports of goods and services
Exports of goods
Capital consumption
Gross national income (formerly known as: Gross national product)
National income (at market prices)
National income (at factor prices)
Disposable income
Compensation of employees
Gross wages and salaries
Net wages and salaries
Mass income
Negotiated wages and salaries per hour
Negotiated wages and salaries (excluding one-off payments) per hour
Negotiated wages and salaries (excluding one-off and ancillary payments) per hour
Negotiated wages and salaries per employee per month
Negotiated wages and salaries (excluding one-off payments) per month
Negotiated wages and salaries (excluding one-off and ancillary payments) per month
Entrepreneurial and property income
Net savings
Orders received
Orders received (domestic)
Orders received (from abroad)
Orders received (from abroad, euro-area-countries only)
Orders received (from abroad, non-euro-area-countries)
Turnover (domestic)
Turnover (from abroad)
Turnover (from abroad, euro-area-countries only)
Turnover (from abroad, non-euro-area-countries)
Consumer price index
Harmonised index of consumer prices
Producer prices