Your databasket contains:
Banks and other financial corporations
Balance sheet items
Minimum reserves
Bank Lending Survey (BLS) - Results for Germany
Assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs) in Germany (excluding Deutsche Bundesbank and market funds)
Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs)
Lending to banks (MFIs)
Lending by banks (MFIs) in Germany to non-banks (non-MFIs)
Lending by banks (MFIs) in Germany to domestic enterprises and households
Securitization of loans
Deposits and borrowing of banks (MFIs) in Germany from non-banks (non-MFIs)
Deposits and borrowing from banks (MFIs)
Transferable deposits
Savings deposits and bank savings bonds
Securities portfolios and participating interests
Bearer debt securities outstanding
Building and loan associations (MFIs) in Germany
Assets and liabilities of the foreign branches and foreign subsidiaries of German banks (MFIs)
Assets and liabilities of multi-office banks (MFIs), by category of banks
Assets and liabilities of multi-office banks (MFIs), by category of banks - all categories of banks
Assets and liabilities of multi-office banks (MFIs), by category of banks - Commercial banks
Assets and liabilities of multi-office banks (MFIs), by category of banks - Big banks
Assets and liabilities of multi-office banks (MFIs), by category of banks - Regional banks and other commercial banks
Assets and liabilities of multi-office banks (MFIs), by category of banks - Branches of foreign banks
Assets and liabilities of multi-office banks (MFIs), by category of banks - Landesbanken and savings banks
Assets and liabilities of multi-office banks (MFIs), by category of banks - Credit cooperatives
Assets and liabilities of multi-office banks (MFIs), by category of banks - Mortgage banks
Assets and liabilities of multi-office banks (MFIs), by category of banks - Building and loan associations
Assets and liabilities of multi-office banks (MFIs), by category of banks - Banks with special, development and other central support tasks
Number of banks (MFIs) in Germany, their foreign branches and foreign subsidiaries reporting for the banking statistics, by size category
Assets and liabilities of multi-office banks (MFIs), by category of banks - all categories of banks
Regional banking statistics figures
Principal assets and liabilities of banks (MFIs)
Overall monetary surveys
Minimum reserves
Banks'' profit and loss accounts
External position of banks
Monetary aggregates
OTC derivatives
Balance sheet items
Investment companies
Insurance corporations and pension funds up to Q2 2016
Insurance corporations as of Q3 2016
Pension funds as of Q3 2016
payments statistics