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Exchange rates for the US dollar in Argentina * / USD 1 = ARS ... (selling)

Path :
Time series key BBEX3.D.ARS.USD.CA.AB.000
Unit ARS
Dimension one
Timespan from 2002-02-11 to 2024-06-13
Last update 14.06.2024 01:24:59 PM
General * Capital controls were introduced by decree on 1 September 2019 in response to the escalating financial and sovereign debt crisis. Since 23 December 2019 (the date on which Law 27541 entered into force), Argentina has been levying a tax (Impuesto Para una Argentina Inclusiva y Solidaria = PA�S) of 30% on transactions such as the following: - purchases of foreign currency banknotes and foreign exchange, including travellers' cheques, by Argentine residents; - the exchange of foreign currency intended for the purchase of goods or services or for the purchase of services abroad; - foreign transactions with Argentine bank cards. The Argentine Tax Authority (Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos = AFIP) has been levying additional taxes on the aforementioned transactions since 16 September 2020, which have been raised in several stages - the last time in November 2023 - to a total of no more than 125%. With effect from 13 December 2023, the Argentine peso was devalued and the additional taxes of the AFIP were combined to a uniform tax rate of 30%. In addition, since 4 November 2022, there has been a separate settlement exchange rate for non-residents making payments on selected foreign credit, debit and prepaid cards for tourism purposes; this rate stood at 1,000 Argentine pesos to the US dollar at the beginning of April 2024.
Source Banco de la Nación Argentina, Buenos Aires.
Comment on 2023-12-13 With effect from 13 December 2023, the Argentine peso was devalued. Calculated using the exchange rates from 12 and 13 December 2023, the Argentine peso depreciated by 54.2% against the US dollar (calculated on the basis of the middle rates).
Comment on 2023-08-14 With effect from 14 August 2023, the Argentine peso was devalued. Calculated using the exchange rates from 11 and 14 August 2023, the Argentine peso depreciated by 17.8% against the US dollar (calculated on the basis of the middle rates).
Comment on 2019-08-12 Upon announcement of the election results, the Argentine peso depreciated by 14.7% (calculated on the basis of the middle rates).
Comment on 2015-12-17 With effect from 17 December 2015, the de facto peg of the Argentine peso to the US dollar was abandoned. Calculated using the exchange rates from 16 and 17 December 2015, the Argentine peso experienced a devaluation of 26.8 % against the US dollar (on average).