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New business (volumes) of German banks / Housing loans to households with collateral and/or guarantees, initial rate fixation of over 10 years / SUD261

Path :
Time series key BBIM1.M.DE.B.A2CC.P.B.A.2250.EUR.N
Dimension million
Timespan from 2010-06 to 2024-04
Last update 05.06.2024 04:13:33 PM
General The MFI interest rate statistics gathered on a harmonised basis in the euro area are collected in Germany on a sample basis (stratified sample). The reported volumes of new business are grossed up to form total results for Germany. For each stratum an individual expansion factor is used to gross-up the reported volumes of all reporting agents of the same stratum. Then the grossed-up volumes per stratum are added to calculate the aggregated volume of new business. Secured loans for home purchase, including building and home improvements; including loans granted by building and loan associations and interim credits as well as transmitted loans granted by the reporting agents in their own name and for their own account. For the purpose of MFI interest rate statistics, a loan is considered to be secured if collateral (inter alia financial collateral, real estate collateral, debt securities) in at least the same value as the loan amount has been posted, pledged or assigned.