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Exchange rates (comparable rates) for the euro in the Cayman Islands * / EUR 1 = KYD ...

Path :
Time series key BBEX3.A.KYD.EUR.CA.AC.A04
Unit KYD
Dimension one
Timespan from 1999 to 2023
Last update 12.01.2024 02:13:30 PM
General Since 25 January 1974, fixed exchange rate to the US dollar.
Methodology * We do not have any data from the Cayman Islands on euro exchange rates; the comparable rates were calculated on the basis of the US dollar exchange rate in Cayman Islands (KYD 1 = USD 1.20) in conjunction with the respective annual average euro reference exchange rate of the European Central Bank for the US dollar.
Source Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (for US-Dollar).