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Exchange rates and comparable rates for the euro in Pakistan * / EUR 1 = PKR ... (selling)

Path :
Time series key BBEX3.M.PKR.EUR.CA.AB.A01
Unit PKR
Dimension one
Timespan from 1999-01 to 2024-03
Last update 05.04.2024 01:05:41 PM
General Dual exchange rate system in operation up to 18 May 1999; alongside the composite rates, an official exchange rate was also in place. This was set at a constant rate of USD 1 = PKR 46.00/46.23 (buy/sell respectively). Details of the euro rates have only been at our disposal since the exchange rate system was unified. Exchange rate application until 18 May 1999: Official exchange rate: for just a small number of forex transactions. Composite rate: for the majority of forex transactions.
Methodology * Until April 1999, the quoted figures are comparable rates calculated on the basis of the composite rates for the US dollar in Pakistan in conjunction with the respective euro reference exchange rate of the European Central Bank for the US dollar.
Source Since 2005 National Bank of Pakistan, Karachi December 2001 - December 2004 Deutsche Bank, Private Banking Centre Karachi September 2000 - November 2001 Standard Chartered Grindlays Bank Ltd., Karachi 19 May 1999 until August 2000 ANZ Grindlays Bank, Karachi Until 14 May 1999 State Bank of Pakistan, Karachi