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Exchange rates (comparable rates) for the euro in Honduras * / EUR 1 = HNL ... (selling)

Path :
Time series key BBEX3.M.HNL.EUR.CA.AB.A01
Unit HNL
Dimension one
Timespan from 1999-01 to 2024-03
Last update 05.04.2024 01:03:59 PM
Methodology * We do not have any data from Honduras on euro exchange rates; the comparable rates were calculated on the basis of exchange rates for the US dollar in Honduras in conjunction with the respective euro reference exchange rate of the European Central Bank for the US dollar.
Source Since March 2003: Banco Central de Honduras, Tegucigalpa 1999 - February 2003: Dresdner Bank Lateinamerika AG, Hamburg.
Comment on 2000-01 Calculated using the US dollar exchange rate on 21 January 2000.