International central banking online courses 2021

Seminar participants ©Frank Rumpenhorst

2020 was a challenge for all of us. The pandemic changed our daily lives and the world of work and impacted the Bundesbank and the Centre for International Central Bank Dialogue. We have now switched our entire range of courses to virtual platforms and will continue with this format until it is possible to meet in person again.

We offer a large number of online international central bank courses for the first half of 2021. The range of topics is broad. We address current issues such as “machine learning” or “cash hoarding in Germany - evidence from a representative Bundesbank household survey”. However, attention is also paid to traditional topics, such as “combating counterfeit money”, “on-site banking supervision” or “economic education”.

There are also plans to offer additional courses over time. Please visit our website regularly and subscribe to our social media channels.

You can find an overview of all the details in our brochure.

Text: Martine Niederkorn