Your databasket contains:
External sector
Balance of payments (acc. Statistical series)
I. Major items of the balance of payments
Major items of the balance of payments
Major items of the balance of payments
II. Current account
1. Overview
2. Goods
a) Overview
b) Foreign trade (special trade), by category of goods
a) Overview
3. Services
a) Overview
a) Overview
4. Primary Income
a) Overview
b) Income from direct investment, other investment income
a) Overview
5. Secondary Income
Secondary income
Secondary income
6. Geographical breakdown
a) Overview of the current account
b) Foreign trade (special trade)
c) Travel - annual figures
d) Travel - quarterly figures
a) Overview of the current account
7. Memo item: Transfers related to the EU budget
Memo item: Transfers related to the EU budget
Memo item: Transfers related to the EU budget
1. Overview
III. Capital account
Capital account
Capital account
IV. Financial account
1. Overview
a) Overall
b) Direct investment
c) Portfolio investment
d) Other investment
a) Overall
2. Sector and geographical breakdown
a) Sector breakdown
b) Geographical breakdown (excluding reserve assets)
a) Sector breakdown
1. Overview
I. Major items of the balance of payments
Current account of the Federal Republic of Germany (Seasonally adjusted )
Current account
Exports and imports of goods and its components
Service transactions and primary income
Exports, by group of countries
Exports, by category of goods
Imports, by group of countries
Imports, by category of goods
Foreign trade: Long term time series
Current account
International investment position and external debt (acc. Statistical series)
I. International investment position
a) Overview
b) Reconciliation account
a) Overview
II. External positions of enterprises
a) Overview and currency breakdown
b) Geographical breakdown: Group of countries
c) Geographical breakdown: Group of countries and country
a) Overview and currency breakdown
III. External position of the Bundesbank
External position of the Deutsche Bundesbank
External position of the Deutsche Bundesbank
I. International investment position
External Debt
General government
Total - Sector: General government
short term
long term
Total - Sector: General government
Bundesbank (central bank)
Total - Sector: Bundesbank (Central bank)
short term
long term
Total - Sector: Bundesbank (Central bank)
Monetary Financial Institutes (other than central bank)
Total - Sector: Monetäre Finanzinstitute (ohne Zentralbank)
short term
long term
Total - Sector: Monetäre Finanzinstitute (ohne Zentralbank)
Other sectors
Total - Sector: Enterprises and households
Financial corporations
Total - Sektor: Finanzielle Kapitalgesellschaften ohne MFIs
short term
long term
Total - Sektor: Finanzielle Kapitalgesellschaften ohne MFIs
Non-financial corporations
Total- Sector: Nichtfinanzielle Kapitalgesellschaften, private Haushalte und private Organisationen ohne Erwerbszweck
short term
long term
Total- Sector: Nichtfinanzielle Kapitalgesellschaften, private Haushalte und private Organisationen ohne Erwerbszweck
Total - Sector: Enterprises and households
Direct Investment
Direct investment statistics (acc. Statistical Series)
Transaction values of direct investments (Asset-Liability-Principle)
Geographical breakdown
Rest of the world
Domestic direct investment assets
Domestic direct investment liabilities
Domestic direct investment assets
Domestic direct investment assets
Domestic direct investment liabilities
Domestic direct investment assets
Domestic direct investment assets
Domestic direct investment liabilities
Domestic direct investment assets
Domestic direct investment assets
Domestic direct investment liabilities
Domestic direct investment assets
Domestic direct investment assets
Domestic direct investment liabilities
Domestic direct investment assets
Australia, Oceania and polar regions
Domestic direct investment assets
Domestic direct investment liabilities
Domestic direct investment assets
Domestic direct investment assets
Domestic direct investment liabilities
Domestic direct investment assets
Rest of the world
Economic activity breakdown
Domestic direct investment assets
Domestic direct investment liabilities
Domestic direct investment assets
Geographical breakdown
Foreign direct investment stock statistics (Extended-Directional-Principle)
Domestic foreign direct investment abroad
Domestic corporate assets broken down by type of cross ownership and economic activity
Rest of the world
All economic activities
of which: Manufacturing
of which: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
of which: Financial and insurance activities
of which: Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities (holding companies with management function)
All economic activities
EU member states
All economic activities
of which: Manufacturing
of which: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
of which: Financial and insurance activities
of which: Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities (holding companies with management function)
All economic activities
United States
All economic activities
of which: Manufacturing
of which: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
of which: Financial and insurance activities
of which: Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities (holding companies with management function)
All economic activities
Rest of the world
Direct investment and important key indicators of enterprises abroad
broken down by country of investment
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
Africa (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Australia, Oceania and polar regions (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
broken down by economic activity of the domestic investors
All economic activities
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Mining and quarrying
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Transportation and storage
Accommodation and food service activities
Information and communication
Financial and insurance activities
Real estate activities
Professional, scientific and technical activities
Administrative and support service activities
Education; human health and social work activities
Arts, entertainment and recreation
Public administration; other service activities; non-profit organisations
Private households
All economic activities
broken down by economic activity of the foreign investment enterprises
All economic activities
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Mining and quarrying
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Transportation and storage
Accommodation and food service activities
Information and communication
Financial and insurance activities
Real estate activities
Professional, scientific and technical activities
Administrative and support service activities
Education; human health and social work activities
Arts, entertainment and recreation
Public administration; other service activities; non-profit organisations
All economic activities
broken down by country of investment
Primary and secondary direct investment broken down by country of investment and economic activity
of domestic investors
All economic activities
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
Africa (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Australia, Oceania and polar regions (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Manufacturing
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
Africa (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Australia, Oceania and polar regions (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
Africa (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Australia, Oceania and polar regions (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Financial and insurance activities
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
Africa (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Australia, Oceania and polar regions (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities (holding companies with management function)
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
Africa (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Australia, Oceania and polar regions (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
All economic activities
of foreign investment enterprises
All economic activities
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
Africa (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Australia, Oceania and polar regions (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Manufacturing
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
Africa (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Australia, Oceania and polar regions (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
Africa (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Australia, Oceania and polar regions (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
Africa (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Australia, Oceania and polar regions (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Information and communication
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
Africa (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Australia, Oceania and polar regions (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Financial and insurance activities
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
Africa (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Australia, Oceania and polar regions (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Real estate activities
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
Africa (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Australia, Oceania and polar regions (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities (holding companies with management function)
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
Africa (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Australia, Oceania and polar regions (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Administrative and support service activities
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
Africa (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Australia, Oceania and polar regions (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
All economic activities
of domestic investors
Domestic corporate assets broken down by type of cross ownership and economic activity
Foreign direct investment in the reporting country
Foreign corporate assets broken down by type of cross ownership and economic activity
All countries
All economic activities
of which: Manufacturing
of which: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
of which: Financial and insurance activities
of which: Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities (holding companies with management function)
All economic activities
EU member states
All economic activities
of which: Manufacturing
of which: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
of which: Financial and insurance activities
of which: Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities (holding companies with management function)
All economic activities
United States
All economic activities
of which: Manufacturing
of which: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
of which: Financial and insurance activities
of which: Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities (holding companies with management function)
All economic activities
All countries
Direct investment and important key indicators of enterprises in the reporting country
broken down by country of investor
Rest of the world
EU member states
Africa (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Australia, Oceania and polar regions (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
broken down by economic activity of the investment enterprises
All economic activities
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Mining and quarrying
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Transportation and storage
Accommodation and food service activities
Information and communication
Financial and insurance activities
Real estate activities
Professional, scientific and technical activities
Administrative and support service activities
Education; human health and social work activities
Arts, entertainment and recreation
Public administration; other service activities; non-profit organizations
All economic activities
broken down by country where the corporate headquarters are resident
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
Africa (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Australia, Oceania and polar regions (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
broken down by country of investor
Primary and secondary direct investment broken down by economic activity of the investment enterprises
broken down by country of investor
All economic activities
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Manufacturing
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Information and communication
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Financial and insurance activities
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Real estate activities
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities (holding companies with management function)
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Administrative and support service activities
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
All economic activities
broken down by country where the headquarters are resident
All economic activities
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Manufacturing
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Information and communication
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Financial and insurance activities
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Real estate activities
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities (holding companies with management function)
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
of which: Administrative and support service activities
Rest of the world
Europe (incl. selected countries)
America (incl. selected countries)
Asia (incl. selected countries)
Rest of the world
All economic activities
broken down by country of investor
Foreign corporate assets broken down by type of cross ownership and economic activity
Foreign direct investment stocks at market values, including real estate and construction
Domestic foreign direct investment abroad
Foreign direct investment in the reporting country
Domestic foreign direct investment abroad
Domestic foreign direct investment abroad
Transaction values of direct investments (Asset-Liability-Principle)
Indices of exchange rate effects in the international investment position
I Direct investment
II Portfolio investment
IV Other investment
V Reserve assets
Total (I-V)
I Direct investment
I Direct investment
II Portfolio investment
IV Other investment
Total (I-V)
I Direct investment