Operating hours and fees

Acceptance and execution times

Customer Access Mechanism-Individual (CAM-Individual)

Same-day euro credit transfers and foreign payment transfers can be submitted to the Bundesbank's CAM-Individual procedure electronically 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The payments are processed on all business days within the acceptance times stated below. The stated acceptance/cut-off times are valid from the perspective of the application, ie transmission of the files submitted to CAM-Individual must be completed by the defined cut-off times. Payments received after the respective cut-off times are executed on the following business day, without separately notifying the submitter.

Acceptance / cut-off times:

Submission method
EBICS or SWIFTFinTS/Online banking

Same-day euro credit transfers

07.00 – 16.45 Customer payments
07.00 – 17.45 Interbank payments

07.00 – 16.45

Foreign payment transfers

07.00 – 13.30

07.00 – 13.30

Cover closing times

Same-day euro credit transfers

Customer payments


Interbank payments


Foreign payment transfers

16.55 on the execution date (generally two transaction business days after the submission date).

Customer Access Mechanism-SEPA (CAM-SEPA)

SEPA payments submitted to CAM-SEPA are accepted from account holders without a bank sort code via EBICS and online banking by means of FinTS 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Two submission windows are available for processing purposes.

SEPA credit transfers

First submission window Second submission window

Business day



Booking day


D + 1

Submission times

From 18.30 on day D – 1
to 11.30 on day D

From 11.30 on day D

to 18.30 on day D

Booking times

Up to 14.20 on day D (debiting of the equivalent values of the submitted SEPA credit transfers with booking date D)From around 19.00 up to no later than 19.35 on day D (debiting of the equivalent values of the submitted SEPA credit transfers with booking date D+1)

Submissions via EBICS using the first submission window should, wherever possible, be made well in advance of the 11.30 cut-off time on day D.

SEPA direct debits

First submission windowSecond submission window

Business day



Booking day

Due date of direct debit

Due date of direct debit or R transactions after settlement D+1

Submission times

From 18.30 on day D – 1
to 10.30 on day D
From 10.30 on day D
to 18.30 on day D
Booking times SEPA direct debits and R transactions prior to settlement are booked on the business day preceding the due date, usually at around 19.30, dated with the following business day.

R transactions (refunds/crediting and reversals/debiting) subsequent to settlement are booked on the execution date, usually at around 19.30, dated with the following business day.

The submission times stated above are valid from the perspective of the application, ie transmission of the files transferred to the Bundesbank's CAM-SEPA procedure must be completed by the defined cut-off times.

Customer Access Mechanism-Instant (CAM-Instant)

SEPA instant credit transfers can be submitted around the clock as there is no cut-off time.

Every calendar day is a business day.

Fees for using CAM

The Bundesbank charges its account holders the following fees for both CAM-Individual and CAM-SEPA: