Here you find speeches of the current and past members of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank from the past ten years. Speeches of the former Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the Deutsche Bundesbank date back to 2005.
The Changing Landscape of Capital Flows: New Patterns, Actors and Regulatory Aspects Introductory remarks prepared for the Policy Panel at the Conference on “International Capital Flows and Financial Policies”
Bank resolution: delivering for financial stability Session II: Achieving a home-host balance Introductory statement SRB Annual Conference 2021
Neue Herausforderungen 2021: Finanzstabilität als gesellschaftliche Aufgabe Keynote beim 15. Bayerischen Finanzgipfel
The corona pandemic – economic consequences and economic policy responses Panel discussion Verein für Socialpolitik Annual Meeting 2021
Central bank independence: mandates, mechanisms, and modifications [1] Remarks prepared for the panel discussion “Lessons from Central Bank History?” on the occasion of the conference “From Reichsbank to Bundesbank”
The coronavirus pandemic as an exogenous shock to the financial industry Keynote speech at the Hachenburg symposium
Coordinating climate policies internationally: What’s the state of play? And where are we heading? Welcome address at the online event "Coordinating climate policies internationally – What’s the state of play? And where are we heading?”
COVID-related fiscal measures and debt sustainability Prepared for the ESM seminar on debt sustainability Panel II “Policy implications in the ‘new normal’”
Data sharing for better policy making Introductory Statement – G20 DGI-2 Workshop on Data Sharing
ESRB report on the financial stability implications of COVID-19 support measures to protect the real economy Introductory remarks – ESRB Press Briefing