Microdatabase Direct investment (MiDi – “Mikrodatenbank Direktinvestitionen”)
The Bundesbank has been collecting annual statistics on foreign direct investment stocks (DI) in accordance with the provisions of the Foreign Trade and Payments Regulation (Außenwirtschaftsverordnung) since 1976 and publishes aggregated results in the Bundesbank's Special Statistical Publication 10.
For several years, the importance of the database for research purposes has been growing in view of the progressive globalisation of the German economy. An active research network of Bundesbank and non-Bundesbank experts has become established, which analyses and publishes research on key issues connected with direct investment.
This research is based mainly on the “Microdatabase Direct investment” (MiDi). This database contains anonymised individual reports from 1999 onwards and is available as a panel data set.
Available modules
No subdivision of the dataset.
Units worth protecting
The units to be protected are for each report all available enterprises involved in the reported investment chain (potentially num, nu2, nu3, nu4, nui, noz, or noa).
Available access modes
Data structure file
Data structure files are sample data that reflect the structure of the real data set without containing real data.
The MiDi data sets are registered with DOI (Digital Object Identifier, an international standard for data citation) at da-ra.