Welcome to the Deutsche Bundesbank’s website
Thank you for your interest in the Bundesbank's website. Across these pages, the German central bank provides information about current developments in areas such as monetary policy, banking supervision, financial stability, payment systems and cash management. The website also provides access to information on careers at the Bundesbank, extensive statistics, and current publications.
In the rotating texts at the very top of the homepage, and in the panel below it, you will find articles about current developments relating to the Bundesbank. All of these texts can also be found in the "Topics" section. In the "Bundesbank" section, you will find information on how the Bank is organised, as well as on careers, research and the Money Museum. The "Tasks" section outlines the Bundesbank’s key areas of activity. Under "Statistics" there is an extensive range of texts and figures concerning, for example, banks, public finances, and money and capital markets. The "Service" section collates a variety of services including the school service and our media library, which contains photo and video collections. "Press" is targeted at journalists, who will find a huge range of material as well as contact details in this section. On the far right, under "Publications", you will find a variety of Bundesbank publications; you can generally order a print copy free of charge or download the publications as PDFs. Do you have a question you’d like to ask us? All the details you’ll need can be found under "Contact" at the top left of the page.