Press releases
Here is a list of the Deutsche Bundesbank’s current press releases.
The Bundesbank invites the public to its Open Day in Frankfurt’s city centre
The Bundesbank is once again offering the public a glimpse backstage. On 14 and 15 September, the German central bank is hosting an Open Day at its Regional Office in Hesse in Frankfurt’s city centre.
Executive Board agrees allocation of responsibilities
With effect from Monday, 2 September 2024, Dr Sabine Mauderer was appointed Vice-President of the Bundesbank. Furthermore, Lutz Lienenkämper and Michael Theurer joined the Bundesbank’s Executive Board. The responsibilities within the Executive Board have therefore been reallocated. The following reallocation of responsibilities comes into effect
Coins tell the stories in the Bundesbank’s digital exhibition
The Bundesbank has now launched the digital exhibition “From Brutus to Brandt – Coins as eyewitness and testament to our past”, which provides insight into the role that coins play as communicators of historical events.
German balance of payments in June 2024
Germany’s current account posted a surplus of € 23.2 billion in June 2024, up € 4.9 billion on the previous month’s level. The goods account surplus decreased, yet the deficit in invisible current transactions narrowed to a far greater extent.
Consultation regarding Dr Sabine Mauderer and Michael Theurer
On Friday, 26 July 2024, the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank was consulted pursuant to Section 7(3) of the Bundesbank Act on the nomination of Dr Sabine Mauderer as Vice-President and Mr Michael Theurer as Member of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank.
More counterfeit banknotes in circulation
In the period from January to June 2024, the Bundesbank removed significantly more counterfeit money from circulation in Germany than in the six months prior, detecting around 38,600 counterfeit euro banknotes with a nominal value of €2.4 million. This was 29% more than in the second half of 2023. Meanwhile, the total loss arising from counterfeit banknotes was only slightly up, by just under 5%.
The increase was driven by easily identifiable counterfeits, especially of €10 and €20 banknotes,
said Burkhard Balz, the Bundesbank’s Executive Board member whose remit includes cash management. -
Card payments see strong growth
The number of card payments has continued to grow steadily since the end of the pandemic. In 2023, it rose by almost 16 % on the previous year to 11.8 billion transactions.
Acquisition of financial assets and external financing in Germany in the first quarter of 2024 Results of the financial accounts by sector
Das Nettogeldvermögen privater Haushalte ist weiter gestiegen. Die Bewertungsgewinne treiben den Vermögenszuwachs an. Die reale Rendite steigt auf 1,4 Prozent. Die Unternehmensfinanzierung steigt leicht an, Verbindlichkeiten wachsen.
July results of the Bank Lending Survey in Germany Increased demand for loans to enterprises
The German banks responding to the Bank Lending Survey (BLS) barely tightened their credit standards for loans to enterprises any further in the second quarter of 2024. They slightly tightened their credit standards for loans to households for house purchase and for consumer credit and other lending to households. Overall, the adjustments were somewhat less than had been planned in the previous quarter.
German balance of payments in May 2024
Germany’s current account recorded a surplus of €18.5 billion in May 2024, down €6.6 billion on the previous month’s level. The goods account surplus increased slightly, but the deficit in invisible current transactions widened to a far greater extent.