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Bank regulation and stability: an examination of the Basel market risk framework Discussion paper 09/2012: Gordon J. Alexander, Alexandre M. Baptista, Shu Yan
438 KB, PDF
Regulation, credit risk transfer with CDS, and bank lending Discussion paper 05/2012: Thilo Pausch, Peter Welzel
299 KB, PDF
In search for yield? Survey-based evidence on bank risk taking Discussion paper 10/2011: Claudia M. Buch, Sandra Eickmeier, Esteban Prieto
649 KB, PDF
Contagion at the interbank market with stochastic LGD Discussion paper 06/2011: Christoph Memmel, Angelika Sachs, Ingrid Stein
183 KB, PDF
Do capital buffers mitigate volatility of bank lending? A simulation study Discussion paper 03/2011: Frank Heid, Ulrich Krüger
306 KB, PDF
Contingent capital to strengthen the private safety net for financial institutions: Cocos to the rescue? Discussion paper 01/2011: George M. von Furstenberg
642 KB, PDF
How correlated are changes in banks´ net interest income and in their present value? Discussion paper 14/2010: Christoph Memmel
189 KB, PDF
Interbank tiering and money center banks Discussion paper 12/2010: Ben R. Craig, Goetz von Peter
510 KB, PDF
Are banks using hidden reserves to beat earnings benchmarks? Evidence from Germany Discussion paper 13/2010: Sven Bornemann, Thomas Kick, Christoph Memmel, Andreas Pfingsten
339 KB, PDF
Do specialization benefits outweigh concentration risks in credit portfolios of German banks? Discussion paper 10/2010: Rolf Böve, Klaus Düllmann, Andreas Pfingsten
451 KB, PDF